Thursday, December 5, 2013


This piece goes back to my childhood. My "real" dad or as I call him my sperm donor left us when I was 5 for his current wife. I have dealt with abandonment issues for most of my life. Even though I have an amazing step dad, my dad, who raised us and took us in like his own, I still have issues. I have always felt that his family has never really accepted us and that we, my brother, sister and I have always been the black sheep of the family. All of my cousins all grew up around each other and in the same town, we never did. My "real" dad gave his parents, my meena and pawpaw, a choice between us or his new wife and him, my grandparents chose us. That caused major controversy and he refused to speak to my grandparents for over 20 years. He never had anything to do with us as we grew up. Then about 5 years ago they all made amends and became this huge family and we were still left out. Just recently they all went on a family vacation, to which they did not bother to include us. I have come to the point in my life that I am done with allowing this part of my family to hurt me and I no longer want them in my life. I have tried to reach out to my Meena who has always been supportive, but after my pawpaw died last October, she has gotten very distant as well. I hate that I feel this way but I just feel that I deserve better and I deserve more respect than how they have treated me. As for now I am distancing myself even more than I already have from that side of my family. With that being said that is what this piece is about. Being left behind... Abandoned.

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